In returning individuals to work subsequent to medical treatment, reliance has historically been placed upon the physician to determine the residual abilities of the worker. In cases with limited or no residual disability, the answer is usually quite easy to obtain. However, injuries with a noticeable impairment and corresponding disability present a significant issue to the insurance company, the employer and the employee. The overwhelming tendency is for the medical community to present the worker's condition in technical, impairment-based medical terminology. What does a 30-degree loss of abduction and a 15-degree loss of internal rotation of the right upper extremity mean to a carpenter? To the employer, employee and the insurance company, this does not tell us whether the carpenter can safely perform the job. And, if the worker does have some limitations, what functions will they be capable of safely performing?
A functional capacity evaluation is a clinical process that should be driven by the nature of the referral question. If an evaluation is requested, the answer to the question must be provided in a format understandable to all parties in the case. 512 Physical Therapy stresses the ability to address the referral question. Whether the question is can an individual return to work (modified or not), what is the impact of the injury upon the individual, or what is the extent of progress in the rehabilitation program, the question must be addressable and answered. 512 Physical Therapy also recognizes varying complexities in the evaluation of function, and the need to address each issue on a customizable basis. We believe in advanced, peer-reviewed protocols and unbiased technology to address the referral question on a point-of-intervention.
This evaluation is performed when the disability determination requires an outline of the capacity of the individual in relation to the impairment or impairments. It is a comprehensive evaluation used to determine the impact of an impairment on the individual's residual capacity for work-related activies.
Test to capacity with due consideration given to the nature of impairment(s).
Reporting Requirements
- The report generated will provide raw scores of ability for directly matching the worker's physical abilities to the demands of any occupation in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act.
- The Report will outline performance limitations and abilities, in order to identify the extent to which work activities are feasible.
- If a residual functional analysis is required, the report will outline whether or not the worker meets the physical demands and other worker trait requirements of any occupation.
Benefits to Employer/Employee
- Identifies if claimant is capable to return to work in the usual and customary occupation and the impact of the impairment on all occupations.
- Establishes a baseline of functional ability that may be used on subsequent occasions to determine if disablity has diminished or increased.
- May be used when a significant discrepancy exist between evaluating physicians as to the extent of disability attributable to the impairment. Narrows the gap and allows for the expedient resolution of the case.